- Bermula menjadi admin server, dan kebetulan menjadi penengah atau penghubung antara klien dan developer. Merasa bahwa pekerjaan ini kurang lebih sama dengan devops, karena developer membuat program dan saya yang membantu memasukkan ke dalam server klien.
Tapi setelah mencari beragam referensi di internet, ada beberapa bagian yang belum saya pelajari. Maka dari itu, mulai ada ketertarikan untuk belajar mater Devops lebih dalam. Karena pada dasarnya DevOps memberikan fasilitas developer untuk membantu mengawasi berdasarkan continuous integration dan continuous delivery workflow (CI/CD).
Keinginan saya seandainya mendapatkan pekerjaan atau project serupa, saya hanya ingin membuat bagian yang dibutuhkan developer dan mereka yang deploy ke server. Tanpa harus saya yang melakukan deploy manual ke dalam server klien. Tentunya hal ini juga untuk mengurangi kesalahan deploy dari saya sendiri.
Ulasan ini saya buat bertahap untuk materi belajar pribadi, dan mungkin teman-teman juga dapat belajar tutorial AWS Cloud Devops Engineer lengkap bersama-sama saling koreksi dan berbagi pengalaman dalam dunia DevOps. Teman-teman dapat mengikuti belajar bareng AWS Cloud Devops, pada daftar isi sebelah kiri.
SCLC Automation
CICD Overview
CodeCommit - Overview
CodeCommit - First Repo & HTTPS config
CodeCommit - clone, add, commit, push
CodeCommit - Branches and Pull Requests
CodeCommit - Securing the Repository and Branches
CodeCommit - Triggers & Notifications
CodeCommit - & AWS Lambda
CodeBuild - Overview
CodeBuild - First Build
CodeBuild - buildspecyml Deep Dive
CodeBuild - Docker, ECR & buildspecyml
CodeBuild - Environment Variables & Parameter Store
CodeBuild - Artifacts and S
CodeBuild - CloudWatch Events, CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Metrics & Triggers
CodeBuild - Validating CodeCommit Pull Requests
CodeDeploy - Introduction & Overview
CodeDeploy - EC Setup
CodeDeploy - Application, Deployment Groups & First Deployment
CodeDeploy - Deployment Groups Discussion
CodeDeploy - Deployment Configurations
CodeDeploy - appspecyml Deep Dive
CodeDeploy - Hooks & Environment Variables
CodeDeploy - CloudWatch Events, CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Alarms, Triggers
CodeDeploy - Rollbacks
CodeDeploy - On-Premise Instances Setup
CodeDeploy - Deploy to AWS Lambda
CodePipeline - Overview
CodePipeline - CodeCommit & CodeDeploy
CodePipeline - Adding CodeBuild
CodePipeline - Artifacts, Encryption and S
CodePipeline - Manual Approval Steps
CodePipeline - CloudWatch Events Integration
CodePipeline - Stage Actions, Sequential & Parallel
CodePipeline - All Integrations
CodePipeline - Custom Action Jobs with AWS Lambda
CodePipeline - CloudFormation
CodePipeline - Good Blog to Read
CodeStar - Overview
Jenkins - Architecture
Jenkins - Setup on EC
Jenkins - AWS Plugins
Domain : Section Cleanup
Configuration Management Infrastructur as Code
CloudFormation Overview
CloudFormation Create Stack Hands On
CloudFormation Update and Delete Stack
YAML Crash Course
CloudFormation Parameters
CloudFormation Resources
CloudFormation Mappings
CloudFormation Outputs
CloudFormation Conditions
CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions
CloudFormation User Data
CloudFormation cfn-init
CloudFormation cfn-signal and wait conditions
CloudFormation cfn-signal failures troubleshooting
CloudFormation Rollbacks
CloudFormation Nested Stacks
CloudFormation ChangeSets
CloudFormation DeletionPolicy
CloudFormation TerationProtection
CloudFormation - Parameters from SSM
CloudFormation - Public Parameters from SSM
CloudFormation - DependsOn
CloudFormation - Deploying Lambda Functions
CloudFormation - Custom Resources
CloudFormation - Drift Detection
CloudFormation - Status Codes Deep Dive
CloudFormation - InsufficientCapabilitiesException
CloudFormation - cfn-hup & cfn-metadata
CloudFormation - Stack Policies
Elastic Beanstalk - EB CLI
Elastic Beanstalk - Saved Configurations
Elastic Beanstalk - ebextensions for configs
Elastic Beanstalk - ebextensions for resources
Elastic Beanstalk - RDS in or out of environment?
Elastic Beanstalk - ebextensions for commands & container commands
Elastic Beanstalk - Good Features to Know
Elastic Beanstalk - Rolling Updates Strategies
Elastic Beanstalk - Rolling Updates Hands On
Elastic Beanstalk - Swap URL (Blue / Green)
Elastic Beanstalk - Worker Environments
Elastic Beanstalk - Multi Docker Integration
Lambda - Overview
Lambda - Sources and Use Cases
Lambda - Security, Environment Variables, KMS and SSM
Lambda - Versions, Aliases and Canary Routing
Lambda - SAM Framework
Lambda - SAM and CodeDeploy
Step Functions - Overview
API Gateway - Overview
API Gateway - Integration with Lambda
API Gateway - Stages and Deployments
API Gateway - Canary Deployments
API Gateway - Deployments and Canary Testing
API Gateway - Throttles
API Gateway - Fronting Step Functions
What is Docker?
ECS Clusters
ECS Task Definition
ECS Service
ECS Service with Load Balancers
ECS & Multi Docker Beanstalk
ECS - IAM Roles
ECS - Auto Scaling
ECS - CloudWatch Integrations
ECS - CodePipeline CICD
OpsWorks - Getting Started Part
OpsWorks - Getting Started Part
OpsWorks - Lifecycle Events
OpsWorks - Auto Healing & CloudWatch Events
OpsWorks - Summary & Cleanup
Monitoring and Logging
CloudTrail - Overview
CloudTrail - Log Integrity
CloudTrail - Cross Account Logging
Kinesis - Data Streams Overview
Kinesis - Data Firehose & Analytics Overview
Kinesis - Data Firehose Hands On
CloudWatch Metrics - Overview
CloudWatch Metrics - Metrics to Know
CloudWatch Metrics - Custom Metrics
CloudWatch Metrics - Exports
CloudWatch Alarms - Overview
CloudWatch Alarms - Billing Alarms
CloudWatch Logs - Console Overview
CloudWatch - Unified CloudWatch Agent Part I
CloudWatch - Unified CloudWatch Agent Part II
CloudWatch Logs - Metric Filters & Alarms
CloudWatch Logs - Export to S
CloudWatch Logs - Logs Subscriptions + Kinesis Data Firehose Hands On
All Kind Of Logs
CloudWatch Events - Overview
CloudWatch Events - Integration with CloudTrail API
CloudWatch Events - vs S Events
CloudWatch Dashboards - Overview
X-Ray - Overview
X-Ray - DevOps automation
Amazon ES - ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana
Amazon ES - Hands On
Tagging in AWS
Policies and Standars Automation
SSM - Overview & Quick Setup
SSM - EC Setup
SSM - On-Premise Setup
SSM - Resource Groups
SSM - Run Command
SSM - Parameter Store
SSM - Patch Manager
SSM - Inventory
SSM - Automations
SSM - Session Manager & Cleanup
StartConfig - WARNING
Config - Overview
Config - Rules
Config - Automations
Config - Multi Account
Service Catalog - Overview
Service Catalog - Hands On
Inspector - Setup & Run
Inspector - Automations
EC Instance Compliance
Health - Service Health Dashboard & Personal Health Dashboard
Trusted Advisor - Overview
Trusted Advisor - Automations
Trusted Advisor - Automating Refreshes
GuardDuty - Overview
GuardDuty - Automations
Macie - Hands On
Secrets Manager - Hands On
License Manager - Hands On
Cost Allocation Tags
Data Protection & Network Protection in AWS
Inciden, Event, Response, HA, DR & Fault Tolerance
Domain - Coverage Overview
ASG - From Launch Configuration
ASG - From Launch Templates
ASG - Scheduled Actions
ASG - Scaling Policies
ASG - ALB Integration
ASG - Suspending Processes & Troubleshooting
ASG - Lifecycle Hooks
ASG - Teration Policies
ASG - Integration with SQS
ASG - Monitoring
ASG - CloudFormation CreationPolicy
ASG - CloudFormation UpdatePolicy
ASG - CodeDeploy Integration
ASG - CodeDeploy Integration Troubleshooting
ASG - Cleanup
ASG - Deployment Strategies
DynamoDB - Review Part I
DynamoDB - Review Part II
DynamoDB - Patterns
S - Review
Multi AZ - Overview
Multi Region - Overview
StartStackSets - Warning
Multi Region - CloudFormation StackSets
Multi Region - CodePipeline
Disaster Recovery - Overview
Disaster Recovery - DevOps Checklist
On-Premise Strategies with AWS
Multi Account - AWS Organization Overview
Multi Account - AWS Organization Hands On
Multi Account - Services Integration
Bersambung ...